Where to find Us

10h30 Sunday mornings
Eglise des Dominicains
41 Blvd de la Victoire, Strasbourg

Trams C E F Stop: Observatoire

Who We Are

We are people, not a building.
Many have English as our first language, for others it is the second or third.
Many of us are European or North American, many are African. Others are from Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Some of us are here for a short time, others have been here for 30 years.
Our church belongs to the Anglican Communion but we are from many different Christian backgrounds and this is reflected in our worship.
Some of us are retired, others are not yet walking. Some of us are refugees, some are expatriates, others were born here. Some of us have families, others are here on their own.
We have all found a home in this church.

News & Views / Nouvelles

Sign up here for News & Views from St Alban's. This weekly e-mail newsletter includes a word from the Chaplain, news items and notices of upcoming events. To subscribe, just send an email to anglican.chaplaincy.strasbourg@gmail.com and ask to be put on the list!

Voulez-vous recevoir des nouvelles de St Alban par courriel? Envoyez-nous un courriel à anglican.chaplaincy.strasbourg@gmail.com et demander d'être ajouter à la liste!

Recent Posts

1st June: Building a peaceful and democratic Europe

June 1st, 15h00- 19h00, Workshops at St Matthieu on building a peaceful and democratic Europe, 97 blvd d’Anvers, followed at

17h00 by a cross-border Walk for democracy and peace in Europe.

Organised by Ensemble pour l’Europe, an inter-church effort to promote a democratic future for Europe.

June 1st: Café Meet-Up

June 1st  9h00- 11h00, 3 rue de la Nuée-Bleue:  Join us for Café Meet-Up with our friends at St Pierre-le-Jeune.
We’ll be discussing the question  “Can someone be nationalist and Christian?”
Nous discutons la question  « Peut on être nationaliste et chrétien ? »