June 1st: Café Meet-Up

June 1st  9h00- 11h00, 3 rue de la Nuée-Bleue:  Join us for Café Meet-Up with our friends at St Pierre-le-Jeune.
We’ll be discussing the question  “Can someone be nationalist and Christian?”
Nous discutons la question  « Peut on être nationaliste et chrétien ? »


In Memoriam Diane Murray

  Diane Murray, who died after a short illness on 13th May, was for over 40 years a mainstay of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Strasbourg. She and her husband, the Rev. John Murray, made new chaplains to Strasbourg welcome and supported their ministry and the work of the Church in every way. For incoming Chaplains she found appropriate accommodation and furnished the houses and flats in cost-effective and creative ways.  She served on successive Councils and was concerned particularly with the financial viability of the Chaplaincy, expecially after funding from the Church of England was no longer available. She and John had an open and welcoming house for all Chaplaincy members, but particularly for refugees and their families, and they supported many families in need, both in Strasbourg and in other countries.  Very close to her heart was what started as the One World Group and then became ACAS, the Association Caritative Anglicane de Strasbourg. Making sure enough money went to support individuals and organisations in developing countries was a constant concern. But providing enough sandwiches, cake and fruit to feed hungry Council members was also high on her agenda.

The Chaplain of St. Alban’s, Dr. Mark Barwick, writes:

“Diane was the kind of person you noticed, really for her force of character. She was a force to be reckoned with. And she had her opinions about things … Diane was very intelligent – and very curious and passionate about many things. And she brought that marvellous intellect to bear on matters of faith. For her, faith had to make sense. It had to be intellectually tenable to be worth living. She liked to debate. She could be impatient when people toss around religious platitudes, really not knowing what they’re talking about. And at the same time, she accepted and even admired those whose faith was simple, not simplistic, but simple, uncomplicated, livable, real. Because that was something she longed for in life, and to a large degree achieved. She brought a practical, inclusive and feminist critique to religion.”


Café Meet-Up 13 April 9.00h

Café Meet-Up brings Anglicans from St. Alban’s and Lutherans from our partner church St. Pierre-le-Jeune together to enjoy breakfast, good company and conversation about topics which interest both communities. We meet on Saturday morning 13 April at 9.00am at the salle paroissale St. Pierre-le-Jeune at 3, rue de la Nuée Bleue  – in the centre of town near the church of St. Pierre-le- Jeune – to share breakfast and exchange our thoughts about the European elections taking place on 9th June:

Does Europe still make sense ?

Es-ce que l’Europe a encore du sens ?


Holy Week and Easter Services

Chapel of the Dominicans

Palm Sunday, 24th March
10h30 Palm Sunday Liturgy and Holy Eucharist

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week
house masses – times and locations to be announced

Saint Pierre-le-Jeune
Maundy Thursday / Jeudi Saint, 28th March
18h00 Liturgy and Holy Eucharist

Chapel of the Dominicans
Good Friday / Vendredi Saint, 29th March
13h00 – 14h30 Liturgy
15h00 Chemin de la Croix avec la communauté dominicaine

Easter Day / Jour de Pâques, 31st March
NOTE that the clocks move forward one hour that day!
Easter Vigil at 6h00, Saint Pierre-le-Jeune
Holy Eucharist / Sainte Eucharistie 10h30
Chapel of the Dominicans

The last in a series of Conversations on Prayer
will take place on Palm Sunday after church

 Exploring the many faces of prayer and meditation
Une exploration des nombreux visages
de la prière et de la méditation

Conversations on Prayer

On some Sundays in Lent Mark Barwick will lead discussions exploring the many faces of prayer and meditation.   These will be after the services on March 10th and March 24th following coffee at Nick’s flat. 40, rue de l’Université, on the ground floor next door to the Centre Mounier.  All are welcome !

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity La Semaine de priére pour l’unité des chrêtiens

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity takes place annually between 18 January (Confession of St. Peter) and 25 January (Conversion of St. Paul).

This year’s theme has been developed by an ecumenical team from Burkina Faso:

“You shall love the Lord your God … and your neighbour as yourself.”

La Semaine de prière pour l’unité des Chrêtiens a lieu toutes les annees entre le 18 janvier (la confession de saint Pierre) et le 25 janvier (la conversion de saint Paul)

Le sujet cette année est elaboré par une équipe oecuménique de Burkina Faso:

“Tu aimeras ton Seigneur … et ton prochain come toi-même.”

A joint service of neighbourhood churches will take place at 10.30h on Sunday, 21st January at the church of St. Maurice, 41 avenue de la Forêt Noire.  There will be NO service at the Dominican’s church!

Pas de culte anglicane dimanche le 21 Janvier chez les DominicainsVenez-vous nous rejoindre à 10.30h avec les autres églises du quartier a l’eglise de Saint-Maurice, 41 ave de la Forêt Noire.

New Year with new organ

It has been a long wait, but it’s been worth it!  Since the summer of 2022 both Dominicans and Anglicans have  had to make do without an organ, as those hot summer months sounded the death knell for an organ that had already been expiring  (not so quietly) for quite a long time.  Improvisation was called for, and the varied musical talents of St. Alban’s came to the fore.  David Cowley and Chantal Stewart stepped into the breach with mellow tenor voice and guitars; our keyboard (“what do we need that for ?) was at last put to good use and ecumenical contacts across the Rhine brought us Wolfgang Weber, who valiantly tackled the unfamiliar Anglican liturgy.  Small groups of singers sang four-part works unaccompanied, and the congregation was encouraged to make a Goodly Noise.

In the interim a small choir organ appeared with one manuel of Elizabethan proportions, but our organist Katherine Parsons came into her own again with organ works from the appropriate period. She has much more scope now with the new organ, which she was able to play for the first time on Sunday 2nd Advent. We join with our hosts, the Dominicans, in giving thanks for all those whose donations have helped to pay for the instrument, and in celebrating the additional musical dimension it adds to our Sunday worship.

A very happy New Year to all visitors to this website and an open invitation to join us at St. Alban’s for Sunday worship at 10.30am every Sunday.

To praise-to bless-to preach: the motto of the Dominican order.

Katherine Parsons, our organist


Advent Concert 3 December 3 décembre Concert de l’Avent

The charitable association of the Anglican chaplaincy ACAS extends a warm invitation to the annual Advent concert of the Schiltigheim Mandoline and Guitar Orchestra on Sunday 3 December 2023 at 15.30h at the church of St. Matthieu, 97 bd. d’Anvers in Strasbourg. Several musicians come from Malgache families, many of whom are active members of St. Alban’s Anglican chaplaincy.  They are also excellent instrumentalists and this concert promises to be a musical treat.  During the interval mulled wine will be served and Alsatian bredele and other Christmas treats will be on sale.  ACAS will give all proceeds to an association supporting child victims of the recent  earthquakes in Marocco.