ACAS AGM Assemblée Générale 26 March

The Association Caritative Anglicane de Strasbourg (ACAS) exists in order that members of St. Alban’s may contribute to organisations that help people in need.  This is so as to comply with French law which does not permit “associations cultuelles” (i.e. churches) to give any of their income away. All those who attend services at St. Alban’s are invited to come to the Annual General Meeting of ACAS this coming Saturday, 26 March, 15.00h at Café Rivier, 40, rue de l’Université, Strasbourg, and put forward any suggestions for causes which ACAS could support.  ACAS usually contributes to CASAS and CIMADE, two organisations in Strasbourg which for many years have provided aid and advice for asylum-seekers and refugees. Through our Malgache members strong links have also been established with the Anglican church in Foulpointe which has repeatedly been ravaged by cyclones. All ideas are welcome !  Also welcome are ideas for fund-raising during the coming year, so that ACAS can continue to respond to calls for help.

Nuit des Religions – Evensong at the Dominicans

De nombreux événements sont organisés dans le cadre du Forum des Religions pour découvrir des traditions spirituelles différentes qui existent à Strasbourg.  Within the framework of the “Forum des Religions” in Strasbourg a number of events take place every year to explore the many different spiritual traditions which exist within the city.  One of these events is the  Night of Religions (Nuits des Religions)  which took place on 26th February. The Anglican Chaplaincy joined the Dominican community in their church, our place of worship for the past 50 years, for the service of Evensong.  A small group of singers from St. Alban’s contributed Anglican hymns and a setting of the Magnificat by Thomas Morley in Anglican chant to the service, while the Dominican brothers sang their traditional settings of  psalms and prayers. There is a distinct musical bond between both traditions, and it was a welcome opportunity to share the rich heritage of Anglican music with visitors from all over the city.  For St. Alban’s it was also another opportunity to explain the “middle way” that Anglicanism holds between the two major Christian denominations.


The singers.

Fr. Mark & Frère Jean-Francois welcome the     visitors.

Peace for Ukraine

“In these days of uncertainty and fear, we pray that each of us might again turn to the Lord and receive God’s gift of peace, work for God’s justice, know God’s reconciliation and love, and choose paths not of hatred or destruction, of violence or retribution, but God’s way of justice, mercy and peace.”

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have written a pastoral letter to the clergy and people of the Church of England, calling on them to pray for peace in Ukraine.  Read the letter below:

Ukraine Pastoral Letter from the Archbishops



Celebration of Christian Unity Week

Last Sunday 23 January St Alban’s joined with the neighbouring congregations of  St Matthew’s Protestant and Christ Ressuscité/ Très Sainte Trinité for the annual commemoration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  The Anglican, Catholic and Protestant churches came together at St Matthew’s around the theme : “We saw his star in the East and have come to worship him” (Matthew 2.2)  The theme for 2022 was proposed by the Middle East Council of Churches, where Christians face many hardships.

The church of St. Matthieu was packed! There was a special programme for children of all ages, and for the bilingual order of service translations were provided. There was a tangible feeling of celebration within the congregation and a real sense of  mutual esteem amongst the clergy.

The pastor of St. Matthieu bids everyone welcome



The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was first established in 1908 by an Anglican religious order as an eight-day period of prayer (octave) between 18 January (Confession of St Peter) and 25 January (Conversion of St Paul). The octave has since been observed by Christians of all sorts from around the world.

St Alban’s Mark Barwick gives the final blessing.







The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was first established in 1908 by an Anglican religious order as an eight-day period of prayer (octave) between 18 January (Confession of St Peter) and 25 January (Conversion of St Paul). The octave has since been observed by Christians of all sorts from around the world.

Ecumenical Célébration Oecuménique 23 January 2022

This coming Sunday, 23 January, will feel very different for all those used to coming to the Église des Dominicans for St. Alban’s Sunday worship.  Instead of the usual service of Holy Eucharist at 10.30h the congregation of St. Alban’s will be joining its French Protestant and Roman Catholic neighbours for an ecumenical service to mark this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This will be held at 10.30h – same time! – at the Eglise protestante de Saint-Matthieu, 97 blvd d’Anvers, near the F tram stop Place d’Islande.  Here we shall also be joining forces with the Catholic congregations of Christ Ressuscité/ Très Sainte Trinité; there will be a special programme for children.

The theme of this year’s service was chosen and prepared by the Council of Churches of the Middle East:  ‘We observed his star at its rising and have come to pay him homage.’ Matthew 2.2

Our priest the Revd. Mark Barwick writes:

Christian Unity is not just about getting Christians together under one roof. Nor is it about coming to agre-ment over what we believe. The unity of Christians is part of a much larger project.    It is about living consciously the oneness that we already share with all people and with the creation itself.
Christians are not an elite class of humanity. We are made of the same flesh and blood as everyone else. We are subject to the same sins and failures as everyone else.  This awareness should drive us to greater love and solidarity in these fractious times.
Christian Unity is essentially a peace project. It is living the kingdom that Jesus envisioned – and which is urgently needed today

.L’unité des chrétiens ne consiste pas seulement à rassembler les chrétiens sous un même toit. Il ne s’agit pas non plus de parvenir à un accord sur ce que nous croyons. L’unité des chrétiens fait partie d’un projet beaucoup plus vaste. Il s’agit de vivre consciemment l’unité que nous partageons déjà avec toute l’humanité et avec toute la création.
Les chrétiens ne sont pas une classe d’élite. Nous sommes faits de la même chair et du même sang que tous les autres et soumis aux mêmes péchés et échecs que tous les autres. Cette prise de conscience devrait nous conduire à un plus grand amour et solidarité en ces temps.
L’unité des chrétiens est essentielle-ment un projet de paix. C’est vivre le royaume que Jésus envisageait et dont nous avons un urgent besoin aujourd’hui.

Le thème pour 2022 a été choisi et préparé par le Conseil des Églises du Moyen-Orient : « Nous avons vu son astre à l’Orient et nous sommes venus lui rendre hommage »  

Please don’t hesitate to come and join us at St. Matthieu, it will be a new experience for everyone and, we hope, the start of good things to come! 

Sunday 23 January, 10.30h: Ecumenical Worship at the Eglise protestante de Saint-Matthieu, 97 blvd d’Anvers, Strasbourg.

No Anglican service at the Église des Dominicains that day !

Église protestante St. Matthieu, Photo W. Helmlinger, Archi-Wiki.

Christmas Services

       All Christmas services will take place at the Eglise des Dominicains, 41 boulevard de la Victoire, Strasbourg.

Friday 24 December: Christmas Eve –

                                        17h30 Lessons and Carols by candlelight

Saturday 25 December: Christmas Day –

                                        10h30 Holy Eucharist

Sunday 26 December: First Sunday in Christmas

                                         10h30 Holy Eucharist and Service of Lessons & Carols

Sunday 2 January: Feast of the Epiphany

                                            9h40   Holy Eucharist, Book of Common Prayer

                                          10h30 Holy Eucharist, All-Age Worship

Sunday 9 January: Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord 

                                          10h30 Holy Eucharist



Sunday 3. Advent: candles and kora music

The Eucharist service on 12 December, the third Sunday in Advent, had a special flavour.  At the beginning of the service the third candle of the Advent wreath was lit by children from Sunday School, who also said a prayer.

During the service  Br. François from the Franciscan community in Strasbourg introduced a new musical dimension to our worship.  He is from Togo, a student of theology and an accomplished musician who plays the kora, a stringed instrument made from a gourd and a traditional instrument in western Africa. He accompanied us musically during intercessions and at other moments in the service.



Advent Concert a success

Many many thanks for all the hands that came together to make last Sunday’s Concert and mini Christmas market a rousing success.  All proceeds will go to famine relief efforts in south Madagascar.

Ni le froid, ni l’épidémie grandissante ne vous ont tous freiné pour assister joyeusement au magnifique concert de l’Avent dimanche dernier.

Au nom du peuple du Sud en dénuement total et qui a faim, nous Malagasy de St Alban’s vous remercions chaleureusement de la générosité que vous avez manifestée. Que ce soit en amont,  les préparatifs,  que ce soit les prises de paroles, que ce soit dans la confection des gâteaux et spécialités culinaires salés qui étaient bien appréciés, la gestion des recettes, le rangement d’après et surtout votre présence, vous étiez formidables! Merci infiniment pour tous les dons recueillis!

Que notre Seigneur vous rende au centuple et vous garde dans son amour. Bravo!                               Voahangy Ramananjatovo.

The Orchestre des jeunes Guitarristes et Mandolinistes de Schiltigheim played to an enthusiastic audience on Advent Sunday at St. Mathieu in Strasbourg.

Advent Concert 28 November “Contre le kéré”

For the second time ACAS, the Association caritative anglicane de Strasbourg, is organising an Advent concert together with the Madagascan community in the area.  A number of Malgaches are gifted musicians and play together in the Orchestre des Jeunes Guitaristes et Mandolinistes de Schiltigheim under their conductor Marine Mairet.  What may sound like an ensemble with rather limited appeal is in fact quite the opposite: two years ago the orchestra gave their first Advent concert to a packed hall and swept the audience of its feet with their enthusiasm, skill and sheer musicianship.

This year’s concert will take place on Advent Sunday, 28 November, at 15.30h in the church of St. Matthieu, 97 boulevard d’Anvers, Strasbourg.  Entrance is free but donations are requested to help combat the terrible famine ravaging southern Madagascar at the present.  The Anglican Bishop Gilbert Rateloson Rakotondravelo of the Diocese of Fianarantsoa in the Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean warns that at least one million people may be at risk.

“The situation south of the country is not good. Out of our 22 regions, it has been hit the hardest. Some crops have also been destroyed by bandits,” he says, noting that while people want to farm their lands, there is no rain.  Within his own diocese, which was founded in 2003, Rakotondravelo says reports continue streaming in of high malnutrition.  “The situation has worsened since March 2021, especially for our women and children. We need short-, medium-, and long-term interventions,” he says.

All are welcome to this concert; in the interval mulled wine and Bredele will be available and there will also be a miniature Marché de Noel to celebrate the start of the Advent season.

N’oublier pas SVP votre Passe Sanitaire !      Please don’t forget your Covid Pass !

                                                        Let us give with generous hearts – Donnons de coeurs généreux!




Le Kéré à Madagascar Famine in Madagascar

” Si ton frère devient pauvre, et que sa main fléchisse près de toi, tu le soutiendras.” Levitique 25:35a

Madagascar est le premier pays au monde à connaître la faim à cause du réchauffement climatique. Plus d’un million des gens du Sud Ouest du pays ont faim dont la moitié sont des enfants qui souffrent de la malnutrition. A cause de la sécheresse, rien ne pousse, sauf les cactus qui leur servent d’aliments ou ils mangent de peau de zébus. Dans ces conditions, la mortalité infantile croît exponentiellement.

C’est une tragédie qui mobilise des organisations internationales, des différentes communautés religieuses et laïques, des personnes sensibles au devenir de cette population.

Nous aussi à St Alban’s, très touchés de la situation, nous faisons appel à votre générosité en envoyant vos dons sur le compte bancaire de l’ ACAS, ci dessous.

Association Caritative Anglicane de Strasbourg

IBAN: FR76 1027 8010 8800 0202 3490 172     BIC: CMCIFR2A

Ces dons sont gérés par la suite par une association de l’Anglican Church St Mark de Versailles en France, qui œuvrent dans la région du kéré, diocèse épiscopalien du Sud de Madagascar.

La population du sud vous remercie de tous vos dons. Que Dieu le Père tout puissant vous bénisse !

” Partage ton pain à celui qui a faim…” Esaie 58:7



“If any of your kin fall into difficulty and become dependent on you, you shall support them.”

Leviticus 25:35a

Madagascar is the first country in the world to suffer famine as a result of climate change. Over a million people in southwest Madagascar are suffering from hunger, half of them children who are severely malnourished. Several years’ drought mean that nothing can grow except for cacti. These and the skin of zebu cattle are the only food available. Under these conditions, infant mortality is increasing exponentially.

This tragedy has mobilised international aid organisations, religious and lay communities and all those concerned about the future of this population. We too at St. Alban’s, with our long-established personal links to the Malgache community in Strasbourg, are very much affected by the situation and appeal to your generosity in making donations to the Association Caritative Anglicane de Strasbourg:

IBAN: FR76 1027 8010 8800 0202 3490 172     BIC: CMCIFR2A

These donations will be managed by the charitable association of St. Mark’s Anglican Church Versailles, which has links to the Episcopalian diocese of Southern Madagascar already working in the famine region.

The people of the South thank you for all your donations. May the all-powerful God bless you!

“Is it not to share your bread with the hungry … ”  Isiaiah 58:7