The Revd. Christine Bloomfield appointed Chaplain at Christ Church, Lausanne, Switzerland

Those of you who were in church on 5 August have already heard the sad announcement that The Revd Christine Bloomfield will soon be leaving the Ministry Team of St Alban’s to take up the leadership of Christ Church and the Old Catholic parish in Lausanne, Switzerland.  Sad for us, as we have loved and cherished Christine and Lionel among us these many years, but quite a happy occasion for them and for those who will benefit from their ministry among them. Even still, they will be sorely missed at St Alban’s.  On Sunday 2 September at 10.30h there will be a special farewell Service of Celebration of Christine’s ministry with St. Alban’s.
Please take the time to read their letter to the congregation, here attached in English and in French.

Letter from Christine and Lionel August 2018

Christine and Lionel with dogs in the Swiss Jura – not too far from Lausanne.