
Suite à la promulgation de l’article 1er du décret du 16 mars 2020 concernant la lutte contre la propagation du virus Covid-19, la paroisse anglicane de St Alban a suspendu tout rassemblement publique jusqu’à nouvel ordre.

Following the promulgation of article 1 of the decree of 16 March 2020 concerning the fight against the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the Anglican parish of St Alban has suspended all public gatherings until further notice.

Thank you for your understanding.                   Merci de votre compréhension.


Coronavirus – To all who gather for worship at St. Alban’s / À tous ceux qui se réunissent pour le culte à St Alban

Dear friends,

As the coronavirus epidemic continues to develop, it will inevitably have an impact on the life of our Chaplaincy. Exceptional circumstances have resulted in government taking exceptional measures in view of limiting the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic. In his televised address, the President of the Republic has asked all people over the age of 70 and those who suffer from chronic diseases, respiratory disorders or disabilities to remain at home for as long as possible.

In addition, the Prefecture of Bas-Rhin has now banned all gatherings of more than 50 people. Of course, gatherings for prayer and worship are places of potential exposure to the virus, even if they do not exceed 50 people.

Last week St Alban’s established certain practices which are aimed at making our gatherings as safe as possible. These included (a) the careful washing of hands of those who serve in welcoming and the administration of Communion, (b) the suspension of Communion from a common Chalice and (c) the avoidance of physical contact, notably during the passing of the Peace.

We have also weighed the recommendations of our Bishops as well as guidance issued by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Strasbourg. As a result, I, in consultation with our Churchwardens, intend to enact the following measures in addition to those mentioned above:

  1. Restriction of the number of attendees to 50 for all events
    This is a legal requirement with which we must comply.
  2. Shorter services with music, brief reflection and simplified liturgy

These will last for no more than 45 minutes.

  1. Further restrictions of physical contact

Offering baskets will not be passed hand to hand. Priestly blessings will be given without physical contact.

  1. Suspension of Coffee Hour and other after-church activities
    Discussion groups and classes which are typically held at the Rivier apartment will be discontinued until further notice, including Frankly Speaking sessions, Sunday School, discussion groups and Children’s Class.

We regret very much the need to take such stringent measures; however, the situation is serious enough to warrant these actions. Please continue to support and pray for one another during this time, especially for those who are more vulnerable to the virus. With God’s help and sound practices, we will get through this period.  Thank you for your understanding

Mark+      The Revd Dr Mark Barwick       13/03/2020     

À mesure que l’épidémie de coronavirus continue de se développer, elle aura inévitablement un impact sur la vie de notre aumônerie. Des circonstances exceptionnelles ont conduit le gouvernement à prendre des mesures exceptionnelles en vue de limiter la propagation de l’épidémie de Covid-19. Dans son allocution télévisée, le Président de la République a demandé à toutes les personnes de plus de 70 ans et à celles qui souffrent de maladies chroniques, de troubles respiratoires ou de handicaps de rester chez elles le plus longtemps possible.

Par ailleurs, la préfecture du Bas-Rhin a désormais interdit tout rassemblement de plus de 50 personnes. Bien sûr, les rassemblements pour la prière et le culte sont des lieux d’exposition potentielle au virus, même s’ils ne dépassent pas 50 personnes.

La semaine dernière, St Alban a établi certaines pratiques qui visent à rendre nos rassemblements aussi sûrs que possible. Ceux-ci comprenaient (a) le lavage soigneux des mains de ceux qui servent à l’accueil et à l’administration de la Communion, (b) la suspension de la Communion d’un calice commun et (c) l’évitement des contacts physiques, notamment lors de l’échange de la Paix.

Nous avons également pesé les recommandations de nos Evêques ainsi que celles émises par l’Archidiocèse catholique romain de Strasbourg. En conséquence, j’ai, en consultation avec nos Churchwardens, l’intention de promulguer les mesures suivantes en plus de celles mentionnées ci-dessus:

  1. Limitation du nombre de participants à 50 pour tous les événements

  Il s’agit d’une exigence légale à laquelle nous devons nous conformer.

  1. Services plus courts avec musique, brève réflexion et liturgie simplifiée

  Celles-ci ne dureront pas plus de 45 minutes.

  1. Autres restrictions de contact physique

 Les paniers de quête ne seront pas transmis de main en main. Les bénédictions             sacerdotales seront données sans contact physique.

  1. Suspension de l’heure du café et autres activités après le culte

 Les groupes de discussion et les cours qui ont généralement lieu à l’appartement Rivier seront interrompus jusqu’à nouvel ordre, y compris les sessions Frankly Speaking, l’école du dimanche, les groupes de discussion et les cours pour enfants.

Nous regrettons beaucoup la nécessité de prendre des mesures aussi strictes; cependant, la situation est suffisamment grave pour justifier ces actions. Continuons à nous encourager les uns les autres à prier les uns pour les autres pendant cette période, en particulier pour ceux qui sont plus vulnérables au virus. Avec l’aide de Dieu et de saines pratiques, nous traverserons ces jours difficiles. Merci de votre compréhension.

St. Alban’s and the Coronavirus / St. Alban et le coronavirus.

Concern over the spread of the Coronavirus is growing. We at St Alban’s want to be proactive in reducing the risk of transmission within the Chaplaincy and to those in the wider community. The disease appears to present a particular risk to the elderly and to people with certain pre-existing health conditions.

At present, we will continue to hold our regular Sunday service at 10.30 am. At the same time, we will adopt some common sense practices aimed at keeping our gatherings as safe as possible.

  1. Welcomers, Altar Servers and Ministers of Communion

All those ministering Communion will wash their hands or use an alcohol based gel before preparing the table for Holy Communion. Gel, soap and paper towels will be available in the Sacristy. The same will apply for Welcomers.

  1. Suspension of Communion from a common Chalice

Until further notice, only bread will be served in Holy Communion. Do note that it is Anglican teaching that to receive the sacrament in one kind only– that is, the bread only –  is to receive the sacrament in its entirety.

  1. The passing of the Peace and other physical contact

Let us also be respectful of one another who may not wish to have close contact with others at this time. This includes shaking hands, hugging and the exchange of peace during the service. A simple bow or gesture of greeting will suffice.

We need not be unduly alarmed; however, we should be smart about reducing the propagation of the disease as much as possible. It is a good practice for all of us to wash thoroughly our hands before leaving home to come to church. This simple practice could help cut significantly the risk of infection.

With God’s help and sound practices, we will meet this unusual challenge to the best of our ability. Let us pray for one another – especially for those who may be especially vulnerable to the virus – and for governments and public health officials who are working hard to respond to this global threat.

Les inquiétudes concernant la propagation du coronavirus augmentent. À St Alban, nous voulons être proactifs pour réduire le risque de transmission au sein de l’aumônerie et à ceux de la communauté au sens plus large. La maladie semble présenter un risque particulier pour les personnes âgées et les personnes atteintes de certaines conditions de santé préexistantes.
À l’heure actuelle, nous continuerons de tenir notre service régulier du dimanche à 10 h 30. En même temps, nous adopterons certaines pratiques de bon sens visant à garder nos rassemblements aussi sûrs que possible.
1. Welcomers, ceux/celles qui servent à l’autel et ministres de la Communion
Tous ceux qui administrent la Communion se laveront les mains ou utiliseront un gel à base d’alcool avant de préparer la table pour la Sainte Communion. Du gel, du savon et des serviettes en papier seront disponibles dans la Sacristie. De même pour les Welcomer.
2. Suspension de la communion d’un Calice commun
Pour le moment, seul le pain sera servi dans la Sainte Communion. Notez que c’est l’enseignement anglican que de recevoir le sacrement en une seule sorte – c’est-à-dire le pain seulement – c’est de recevoir le sacrement dans son intégralité.
3. L’échange de la paix et le contact physique
Soyons également respectueux les uns envers les autres qui ne souhaitent peut-être pas avoir de contact physique avec les autres pendant ce période. Cela comprend la poignée de main, les bisous et l’échange de paix pendant la liturgie. Un simple geste de salutation suffira.
Nous ne devons pas nous inquiéter indûment ; cependant, nous devrions être intelligents pour réduire autant que possible la propagation de la maladie. C’est une bonne pratique pour nous tous de bien nous laver les mains avant de quitter la maison pour venir à l’église. Cette pratique simple pourrait réduire considérablement le risque d’infection.
Avec l’aide de Dieu et de saines pratiques, nous ferons face à ce défi au mieux de nos capacités. Prions les uns pour les autres – en particulier pour ceux qui peuvent être particulièrement vulnérables au virus – et pour les gouvernements et les responsables de la santé publique qui travaillent dur pour répondre à cette menace mondiale.
Dans l’amour du Christ pour tous,
Mark +Le Rév Dr Mark Barwick 


Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2020

Expanding the Bishop Hannington Academy for primary education in the Anglican Diocese of Mumias, Kenya.

In 2013 the Kenyan government introduced free primary education. This has led to big increases in the numbers of children enrolled in schools. But the number of teachers has not increased and classrooms are congested. Some classes have as many as 150 pupils with students sharing desks. In other cases, a shortage of buildings means children trying to learn outside, despite the vagaries of the weather.

Aware of this challenge, the Anglican Diocese of Mumias established the Bishop Hannington Academy as their contribution towards better quality primary education in a Christian context. Their current enrolment stands at 38. The school currently consists of just one block with two classrooms, with a third room serving as the administrative wing. At present, they have three grades, Kindergarten, Grade One and Grade Two. The Diocese employs three teachers.

The Bishop and Diocese would like to expand the school and build more classrooms. It will cost 20,000 USD to build and furnish a new classroom. Very good value by Western European standards!

Our Lent Appeal could go most of the way toward assisting the Diocese of Mumbias’ mission to educate primary school children.

I wish you a holy Lent.

With every blessing,

            +Robert Gibraltar in Europe

Donations to the Bishop’s Lent Appeal can be made through our Treasurers or speak with fr Mark for more details.

Annual General Meeting 2020

Last Sunday 1st March these church members were elected to the following offices:

Pauline Dif & Anny Samuels

Chaplaincy Council
Grace Egesi, Rufus Folaranmi, Victoria Jacob, Elisabeth Koonja, Denis Le Moullac, John Parsons, Jean-Honoré Ramanitrarivo & Richard Razafindratsima

Representatives to Archdeaconry Synod
Diane Murray & Sarah Palmer

Thanks to all who helped prepare this year’s AGM, provide food, set-up, clean-up, etc. Reports were heard by the Priest-in-Charge and about various activities throughout the life of the Chaplaincy. The 2019 Financial Report was approved and the Budget for 2020 received. Please look for a detailedreport of the 2020 AGM at a future date.

Liebfrauenberg Retreat 13 – 15 March 2020

Unfortunately this weekend retreat has had to be postponed.  The Very Reverend Michael Sadgrove, Dean Emeritus of Durham Cathedral, who was going to lead us though some enriching Bible studies on the theme of “Exile”, has been advised not to come, in view of certain underlying health conditions and the spread of the coronavirus.  We hope very much that he can come later in the year.