As from this coming Sunday, 7th August, we will be able to celebrate our Sunday worship back in the church of the Dominican brothers again. Since Whitsun, nearly two months ago, the church has been closed and emptied for restoration and cleaning. Both the Dominicans and Anglicans used the upper room in the Centre Mounier as as provisional chapel. However, last Sunday, 31st July, frère Francois of the Dominicans joined us at the end of our service and announced the good news that from the coming Sunday on we would be able to worship in the church again. He invited us to visit the church after the service to experience it as we would never see it again: completely empty.

A unique view of the Dominicans’ chapel.
It really was a revelation; all the soot and accumulated dinginess of past decades on the stonework has disappeared, the church is much lighter now. The space feels generous and welcoming. It is a remarkable building because it is a prefabricated concrete structure, designed by the architect Alfred-Jacques Nasousky (1864 – 1943) and completed in 1930 for the Dominican community which was re-established in Strasbourg in 1927. Read more
The organ loft will remain untenanted until Christmas, when – if all goes to plan – the new organ will be installed.