Anglican-Protestant Common Life and Mission

On Saturday 30th September the councils of St Alban’s (Anglican) and St Pierre-le Jeune (Protestant) churches came together for an annual day of reflection and planning. The day began with the office of Morning Prayer; then each parish met separately in their respective councils. Fellowship around the midday meal followed. In the afternoon, the two councils met jointly to review the activities of the past year and to make plans for the coming year.

In 2022, St Alban’s and St Pierre-le Jeune established a relationship of ‘common life and mission’ under the Reuilly Agreement, signed in 2001 by Anglican and Protestant churches in France. The Agreement envisions closer fellowship in as many areas of Christian life and witness as possible, ’so that all our members together may advance on the way to full visible unity.’

St. Albans’s congregation

Inside St. Pierre-le-Jeune