Category Archives: Homepage Posts
Next Archbishop of Canterbury
The process to nominate the next Archbishop of Canterbury is underway, and all of us are invited to participate and share our thoughts on what qualities, values and vision the future Archbishop should embody.
You can either submit an online consultation form or via postal submission :
Careful: The consultation closes on 28 March.
Le processus de nomination du prochain archevêque de Canterbury est en cours ! et nous sommes tous invités à participer.
Vous pouvez soumettre un formulaire de consultation en ligne ou par courrier postal. (au-dessus)
Attention : la consultation se ferme le 28 mars.
Baptisms and Confirmation 16 February
On 16th of February we welcome the Rt Revd Michael Langrish to our 10.30 service. Bishop Michael is the former Bishop of Exeter and an Honorary Assistant Bishop in this diocese. He will be travelling with Archdeacon Peter Hooper. Some of our youth have been preparing themselves for Confirmation. Those who wish to present themselves for Baptism or Confirmation at this time should speak with fr Mark quite soon!
Le 16 février, nous accueillons à St Alban Michael Langrish, l’ancien évêque d’Exeter et un évêque assistant honoraire dans ce diocèse. Certains de nos jeunes se préparent à la Confirmation. Toute autre personne qui souhaite se présenter pour le Baptême ou la Confirmation est invitée à parler au père Mark très bientôt !
Candlemas La Chandaleur and Crêpes
We celebrate The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, also known as Candlemas, on Sunday 2 February. Traditionally this was the occasion for candles to be blessed, and it also marks the half-way point between the winter solstice (21. December) and the spring equinox (21 March). Certainly by this time there are definitely more hours of daylight in the mornings and evening and we can look forward to spring and the renewal of life.
All are welcomed after the service to a Feast of Crêpes in the Rivier apartment near the church.
Le 2 février nous célébrons la fête de la Chandeleur. Des crêpes seront proposées après la messe à l’appartement Rivier auprès de l’église
Shared Ministry between Anglicans and Lutherans in Strasbourg.
The evening service on Saturday 12th October at the Lutheran church of St. Pierre-le-Jeune was a memorable occasion for Anglicans and Lutherans in Strasbourg. St. Alban’s Anglican priest Rev Mark Barwick (centre front) was formally installed there as a pastor, at the side of its pastor Philippe Eber (back 3rd von right), while retaining his responsibility for the Anglicans of St. Alban’s. The ceremony was conducted by the “inspecteur ecclesiastique” of Strasbourg, pastor Jehan-Claude Hutchen (centre left), in the presence of the Anglican archdeacon of France, the Ven. Peter Hooper (centre back). In honour of the occasion the choir of St. Pierre-le-Jeune sang compositions by the English composers Thomas Tallis and David Willcocks, and a large number of parishioners of both churches and several other faith communities were present to witness this important event.
Since the Reuilly Declaration and Common Statement was adopted in 2001, only one other such shared ministry agreement had been established (in Lyon) by Anglicans and Protestants in France. Particular to the Alsacian context is the payment of a state stipend to ministers of religions which have designated under the 1801 concordat of Alsace-Lorraine. This applies to the Lutherans in the Union of Protestant Churches of Alsace and Lorraine (UEPAL), so that Rev Barwick is able to function as a Lutheran pastor and receive state support for his ministry.
Meetings between the Councils of both churches have shown that we have a lot in common. St. Pierre-le-Jeune, like St. Alban’s, is a bilingual church (there French-German, here English-French) with all that implies in the way of diversity and adaptablility. Shared activities have already begun – confirmation/ catechism classes for young people, a young adults Bible study and visit to Taizé. Singers from both churches have also joined forces to enrich the music of both.
Fr Mark has also become very present at St. Pierre-le-Jeune, assisting Philippe Eber in a range of pastoral ministries, participating in a weekly Bible study in a retirement home, leading discussions and prayer offices at the church, preaching and joining in joint celebrations. And all profit by the widened presence of Anglicans in Strasbourg, and a greater familiarity and understanding between people of both denominations.
1st June: Building a peaceful and democratic Europe
June 1st, 15h00- 19h00, Workshops at St Matthieu on building a peaceful and democratic Europe, 97 blvd d’Anvers, followed at
17h00 by a cross-border Walk for democracy and peace in Europe.
Organised by Ensemble pour l’Europe, an inter-church effort to promote a democratic future for Europe.
June 1st: Café Meet-Up
June 1st 9h00- 11h00, 3 rue de la Nuée-Bleue: Join us for Café Meet-Up with our friends at St Pierre-le-Jeune.
We’ll be discussing the question “Can someone be nationalist and Christian?”
Nous discutons la question « Peut on être nationaliste et chrétien ? »
In Memoriam Diane Murray
Diane Murray, who died after a short illness on 13th May, was for over 40 years a mainstay of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Strasbourg. She and her husband, the Rev. John Murray, made new chaplains to Strasbourg welcome and supported their ministry and the work of the Church in every way. For incoming Chaplains she found appropriate accommodation and furnished the houses and flats in cost-effective and creative ways. She served on successive Councils and was concerned particularly with the financial viability of the Chaplaincy, expecially after funding from the Church of England was no longer available. She and John had an open and welcoming house for all Chaplaincy members, but particularly for refugees and their families, and they supported many families in need, both in Strasbourg and in other countries. Very close to her heart was what started as the One World Group and then became ACAS, the Association Caritative Anglicane de Strasbourg. Making sure enough money went to support individuals and organisations in developing countries was a constant concern. But providing enough sandwiches, cake and fruit to feed hungry Council members was also high on her agenda.
The Chaplain of St. Alban’s, Dr. Mark Barwick, writes:
“Diane was the kind of person you noticed, really for her force of character. She was a force to be reckoned with. And she had her opinions about things … Diane was very intelligent – and very curious and passionate about many things. And she brought that marvellous intellect to bear on matters of faith. For her, faith had to make sense. It had to be intellectually tenable to be worth living. She liked to debate. She could be impatient when people toss around religious platitudes, really not knowing what they’re talking about. And at the same time, she accepted and even admired those whose faith was simple, not simplistic, but simple, uncomplicated, livable, real. Because that was something she longed for in life, and to a large degree achieved. She brought a practical, inclusive and feminist critique to religion.”
Café Meet-Up 13 April 9.00h
Café Meet-Up brings Anglicans from St. Alban’s and Lutherans from our partner church St. Pierre-le-Jeune together to enjoy breakfast, good company and conversation about topics which interest both communities. We meet on Saturday morning 13 April at 9.00am at the salle paroissale St. Pierre-le-Jeune at 3, rue de la Nuée Bleue – in the centre of town near the church of St. Pierre-le- Jeune – to share breakfast and exchange our thoughts about the European elections taking place on 9th June:
Does Europe still make sense ?
Es-ce que l’Europe a encore du sens ?
Holy Week and Easter Services
Chapel of the Dominicans
Palm Sunday, 24th March
10h30 Palm Sunday Liturgy and Holy Eucharist
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week
house masses – times and locations to be announced
Saint Pierre-le-Jeune
Maundy Thursday / Jeudi Saint, 28th March
18h00 Liturgy and Holy Eucharist
Chapel of the Dominicans
Good Friday / Vendredi Saint, 29th March
13h00 – 14h30 Liturgy
15h00 Chemin de la Croix avec la communauté dominicaine
Easter Day / Jour de Pâques, 31st March
NOTE that the clocks move forward one hour that day!
Easter Vigil at 6h00, Saint Pierre-le-Jeune
Holy Eucharist / Sainte Eucharistie 10h30
Chapel of the Dominicans
The last in a series of Conversations on Prayer
will take place on Palm Sunday after church
Exploring the many faces of prayer and meditation
Une exploration des nombreux visages
de la prière et de la méditation