Liebfrauenberg Retreat 13 – 15 March 2020.

Liebfrauenberg is an opportunity each year for us to mark Lent with a retreat along with two other chaplaincies to deepen our faith, walk in the woods, meet old friends, welcome new friendships, all while preparing our hearts for the Easter feast.

This year we are delighted to welcome The Very Reverend Michael Sadgrove, Dean Emeritus of Durham Cathedral, who will lead us though some enriching Bible studies on the theme of “Exile.”

Michael Sadgrove describes himself as a “pilgrim, priest and ponderer”. A Londoner of Anglo-German parentage and a fervent European by conviction, he has been over forty-five years of ordained ministry a parish priest, theological educator, cathedral precentor and a Dean at two cathedrals, Sheffield, then Durham. He has been active as a speaker and preacher, retreat conductor and writer, not least on European themes.  He also writes a blog

Costs have been kept to a minimum and financial  assistance is available for those who are in need.

Please register by 1st of March by emailing John and Diane Murray at or by returning the form you will find here,  LIEBFRAUENBERG 2020 info and form

together with more details of the retreat.

See also



VOCARE 17 – 19 April

Calling Young Adults

The Council of Anglican and Episcopal Churches in Germany (CAECG) together with the Youth Commission of the Episcopal Churches in Europe are organising a VOCARE weekend for young adults from 17-19 April 2020. It will take place at the Feriendorf Gross Väter See in Templin near Berlin.

VOCARE is about vocation – calling. The weekend is not about career development or looking at how to be successful in the world. It is a quiet  moment away to make connections with other young adults while discovering God’s calling for your life.

Register before 1st of March.  See fr Mark or emails  for more information.

Cost €100/person, incl. 2 nights and food. Travel grants are also available.

The Council of Anglican and Episcopal Churches in Germany. Hosted by St. George’s Anglican Church, Berlin.

Festival Sacrées Journées de Strasbourg

Festival unique en France, Les Sacrées Journées de Strasbourg bousculent les conventions en organisant, jusqu’ au 2 février 2020, une succession de concerts dans lesquels se produisent des artistes ou groupes représentatifs de trois cultures musicales religieuses différentes.

130 artistes nous feront découvrir par la musique des spiritualités et cultures différentes : Christianisme, Judaïsme, Islam, Bouddhisme, Hindouisme, Chamanisme … Ils viennent du monde entier, de France : Allemagne, Maroc, États-Unis, Inde, Syrie, Royaume Unis, Tibet, Népal, Israël, Algérie, Togo, Iran.

Bouddhisme, christianisme, hindouisme, islam, judaïsme… Le choix des interprètes de musique sacrée est porteur d’un message fort, tout comme le lieu accueillant les concerts : une mosquée, une église, une synagogue, au sein desquelles, sans distinction d’appartenance religieuse, se produisent musiciens, chanteurs et danseurs de toute culture et de tout pays.

Renseignements: 03 88 16 31 09   



Women’s Bible Study with Tiffne Whitney

Saturday 18 January, 9.00h breakfast chez Richardson, 16 rue Saint-Louis, 1st floor. Bus 10 to St. Thomas, tram to “Porte de lHôpital.”

Catherine Emezie writes:

Leading the Bible Study on the topic of “I am the good shepherd.” will be a very special guest,Tiffne Whitney.  She will also give an update on her “Ladies in Waiting” project that aims to help victims of sex trafficking/prostitution.  This is a very important project and all are invited to come.


Come help prepare musical offerings for Sunday worship on Saturday 18th January at 15h30 at Hanneke Palm’s apartment, just around the corner from the church at 30 rue de l’Université. All musical styles, instruments and levels of proficiency are welcome.

Children’s Class

A Children’s Class is planned for ages 8-12 to introduce the stories and teachings of the Bible, basic instruction on the Christian faith and how to live that faith in today’s world. Classes will begin soon, held twice monthly after church on Sundays.   Diocesan Safeguarding practices will be in effect at all time.

Speak with Fr Mark for more details 07 71 13 38 83.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity / Semaine de prière de l’unité des chrétiens

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed annually, beginning on 18 January (Confession of St Peter) and concluding on 25 January (Conversion of St Paul). The dates for the observance were first proposed in 1904 by Father Paul Wattson (1863 – 1940), cofounder of the Graymoor Franciscan Friars, an Anglican religious order at the time.

This year the different churches in Malta have prepared resources on the theme: “They Showed Us Unusual Kindness,” inspired by Acts 27.18-28.10. It was through the “unusual kindness” shown by the people to St Paul, after he had been washed ashore in Malta, that a divided people were drawn closer together.

On Saturday 25 January we will join in an ecumenical service at 18h30 with other neighbourhood churches at Christ Ressuscité, 4 rue de Palerme, followed by a meal. Everyone is invited to bring a dish to share around.

The next day there will be a session of Frankly Speaking after church on the topic: “Challenges to Christian Unity.”

La Semaine de prière de l’unité des chrétiens est commémorée chaque année du 18 janvier (Confession de Saint-Pierre) au 25 janvier   (Conversion de Saint-Paul). Cette année, les différentes Églises de Malta ont préparé des ressources sur le thème : « Ils nous traitèrent avec une très grande bienveillance », inspirée d’ Actes 27.18- 28.10.  Le samedi 25 janvier nous participerons à un culte œcuménique à 18h30 avec d’autres églises de quartier qui aura lieu à Christ Ressuscité, 4 rue de Palerme, suivi d’un     repas. Chacun est invité d’apporter un plat à partager avec les autres.

Le lendemain y aura-t-il à St Alban un forum de Frankly Speaking après la messe au sujet de « Défis de l’Unité chrétienne ». Venez nombreux !

Aussi dans le cadre de la Semaine de prière…

Matinée Oecuménique pour enfants 6-12 ans, mercredi 22 janvier 10h15 – 12h00, église St Maurice, Place Arnold. Voir p Mark pour s’inscrire.